General Secretary
Dr. Ajit A. Prasadam, the General Secretary, says, "In ISSU we encourage faith seeking understanding and foster holding the head and heart together. We seek to bring all areas of human action - nature, persons, social and cultural - within the purview of transformation, especially redemptive transformation, through the ISSU curriculum and courses offered through the St. Andrew Centre for HRD and Counselling."
Ajit A. Prasadam holds a Th.M., (Master of Theology) and a Ph. D. from Princeton Theological Seminary (PTS), USA, apart from a bachelor's and master's degrees, and a P.G. Diploma in Clinical Pastoral Counselling from India. In India, he attended the Centre for Global Leadership Development, Bangalore, Leonard Theological College, Jabalpur, and United Theological College, Bangalore.
He also serves as the director of the St. Andrew Centre for HRD and Counselling, ISSU. He is a writer, author, speaker, counsellor, pastor, and an academic. In 2016 he was recognized by PTS for his leadership and contribution to theological studies, church, and society ( He also oversees, as chairperson, two organizations working with orphans, semi orphans, and destitute children on a national scale. Over the years his life has veered in the direction of serving under-privileged children. Under his inspiration and guidance, and that of the executive committee, ISSU is building an educational facility, as a model, for under-privileged children on the ISSU campus to reclaim its historic mission of educating the poor (ERC). As an academic, he has taught both in India and abroad, including at Princeton, at the graduate level. He is currently involved with graduate studies as a visiting professor in a seminary as well as at the Ph. D. level at SHUATS, (, a UGC recognized university, in Allahabad.